Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics

Hello everyone,
There’s a very important discipline called "Speaker Analysis" or "Speaker Testing" which though complicated, is brilliantly illustrated in this breakdown of the B&W 685.


Speaker analysis is to measure each of the components both separately and as they come together in a complete system. It is a part of creating a new loudspeaker, but it can also be used to analyze an existing speaker, to understand it and perhaps to make it better.  I prefer the term Analysis because it better reflects that the goal is not merely quality assurance, but to build a complete electro acoustical understanding of the system as a whole so changes can be considered, and their final results predicted.

This particular article does just that, and comes up with a couple of suggestions for re-working the crossover to end up with hopefully a better end result. At the very least, it is a significantly different speaker at the end, and achieves a far greater level of change than cables can.

I share this with all of you just as an example of the work that goes into making a loudspeaker from parts, and the tools, and how much of what we hear has to do with choices made in the crossover.


He sold it all because he wasn’t satisfied.  He seems to be content with his “chaep earbuds”.

Based on the most recent discussion started by him, it would appear that he is considering Sonos or Bose, as they sound better than most audiophile bookshelf speakers that he’s heard.

His requirements for an audiophile system is flat response from 20hz-20khz at loud volumes and off axis response that measures identical to on axis response.

I’ve never heard him ask about tonality, imaging, prat, etc.

He’s not one time added something constructive or beneficial to the group.

We’d all be better off completely ignoring him until he went away

He's just misunderstood. Probably to be expected. I mean its not like any of us will ever have his super sensitive auditory acuity, so how would we know what he's going through? Probably his intellect is equally advanced beyond us mere mortals, and that is why nothing he says seems to make any sense to us. Tonality? Imaging? PRAT? Mere names to ensnare and stifle our weak minds. Ignore? Might as well ignore the eagle, soaring high over our heads.
Once again, Kenjit fails to answer any question directly.

Politician perhaps???

"You have opened a can of worms here you dont know what youre getting yourself into.

Speaker design is a mishmash of ideas with a bit of hogwash for good measure."

Direct question:

What do the above two statements mean - specifically? No round about silliness with diversionary ramblings switching the subject.

Regarding the eagle:

...we walked with frail apprehension, our eyes daring not look up. We knew the force, power and majesty of everything was there, looking down at us. We who were so much less then it. All we could, was stop, close our eyes and listen in fear as all was about to be revealed with crystalline clarity...
And how about that "There is no sound signature its a myth" statement.

Are you going to back up that rather "bold" statement?