Paypal error. Can't pay for the item I just purchased!

Hello everyone!

I just purchased an item on Audiogon, went to my cart, pay now, clicked on paypal, a paypal box opens and closes very quickly. Then I am presented with the following:

Something went wrong. Please contact PayPal if you have any questions. Error: /v2/checkout/orders returned status: 422 (Corr ID: cc4ebeb688f96, cc4ebeb688f96)

First, I have been trying to contact them....I have not got far.

Second, I made changes to my settings to Chrome browser to allow for pop ups, flash, and verified cookies were enabled.

Third, I tried using E explorer. Each time, same error!

Lastly, I went direct to paypal website, logged in just fine, searched for any settings that may prohibit related actions, didn't see any.  Hmmmm.....

I googled the error, it seems like maybe an internal deal between Audigon and paypal? maybe?

I posted the following comment on another thread:

"I haven't been all that active a buyer/seller on the A'gon for some time now. My most recent acquisition was a trade up of my ARC Ref 5SE to the Ref 6. I did the flip with an ARC dealer. The Ref 6 was a broken-in dealer demo (610 hours). The main advantage was convenience of being able to swing 2 units in one deal.  

"Did I lose money by going through the dealer? Probably, … but the convenience factor was hard to beat. I've done the buy/sell thing on A'gon many times. Making the buy and sell deals, followed up with the schlepps to a local FedEx or UPS store just got old for me, ... because I am getting old. ;)"

Obviosly, as my post implies, I haven't used PayPal for some time.  But the aggravation described above makes me even more inclined to use a nearby dealer to swap out gear, even if I am out of pocket for some bucks.

I recently had to cancel a Paypal transaction for an item that I bought, but was unable to complete the transaction.  Paypal removed the money from my account, but then forced the seller to "approve" the transaction, which he could not figure out how to do.   The seller didn't believe me for several days that I had completed the transaction on my end.  It was very frustrating and I had to cancel the transaction and walk away.   I did get my money back from Paypal, right away, but I missed out on a hard-to-find item.