Paypal error. Can't pay for the item I just purchased!

Hello everyone!

I just purchased an item on Audiogon, went to my cart, pay now, clicked on paypal, a paypal box opens and closes very quickly. Then I am presented with the following:

Something went wrong. Please contact PayPal if you have any questions. Error: /v2/checkout/orders returned status: 422 (Corr ID: cc4ebeb688f96, cc4ebeb688f96)

First, I have been trying to contact them....I have not got far.

Second, I made changes to my settings to Chrome browser to allow for pop ups, flash, and verified cookies were enabled.

Third, I tried using E explorer. Each time, same error!

Lastly, I went direct to paypal website, logged in just fine, searched for any settings that may prohibit related actions, didn't see any.  Hmmmm.....

I googled the error, it seems like maybe an internal deal between Audigon and paypal? maybe?

I posted the following comment on another thread:

"I haven't been all that active a buyer/seller on the A'gon for some time now. My most recent acquisition was a trade up of my ARC Ref 5SE to the Ref 6. I did the flip with an ARC dealer. The Ref 6 was a broken-in dealer demo (610 hours). The main advantage was convenience of being able to swing 2 units in one deal.  

"Did I lose money by going through the dealer? Probably, … but the convenience factor was hard to beat. I've done the buy/sell thing on A'gon many times. Making the buy and sell deals, followed up with the schlepps to a local FedEx or UPS store just got old for me, ... because I am getting old. ;)"

Obviosly, as my post implies, I haven't used PayPal for some time.  But the aggravation described above makes me even more inclined to use a nearby dealer to swap out gear, even if I am out of pocket for some bucks.