A question for Mapman or Geoff about piezoelectricity....
Quartz is piezoelectric, tourmaline also at certain extent, if heated, but jade or nephrite I think are not piezoelectric, then when located in my cable grid or near the S.G., they should not affect the sound the way piezoelectric quartz or Herkimer for example did, but I sense an audible very particular effect on the sound quality with nephrite (jade) (each kind of stones act particularly and differently on the sound)…
Then if you are right Geoff and if the piezoelectric effect is the only culprit and cause of the change in sound, why nephrite also does change the sound quality or even shungite ? Shungite has no piezoelectric property I think and his effect on sound,positive or negative, near gear or electrical panel are very audible without doubt at all....