Quarantine/Vetting by Admin prior to allowing "Company Is Dead" Threads to go live

I am recommending that Admin / Audiogon Officials  ---  VET any thread that deals with the demise / closing of a business or change of a business, prior to allowing it to go live.

There have been three recent instances, and many more over time, where a member "jumps the gun" and posts information pertaining to a going concern that isn't true nor accurate of what has transpired.

I also suggest: 1) to lock these threads down immediately; 2) to allow members to report via an additional special circumstance "reason" button, until Audiogon driven independent verification can be made.

Can Audiogon Admin offer solutions and guidance regarding these types of posts?  Thank you.
But it's irresponsible to permit someone with sour grapes over a week- late delivery to post a thread claiming a company's demise. This can have implications for the business in terms of credit worthiness, suppliers demanding early payment etc
As for chasing down rumours,  it should be apparent from the OP whether someone is discussing a genuine case of a company closing it's doors, making staff redundant etc, or just whining about what they feel to be bad service. 
 Any self respecting website does not want to be a source of misfounded rumours, even malicious rumours like we've seen this week.
 Personally i feel that if somone posts an intentionally misleading thread claiming the demise of a healthy company they should have their thread- starting priveliges removed
This is a forum.  If someone wants to vent and post their experience and point out a company for their lack of customer service, it should be allowed.  There's already an issue with post removals without adequate explanations.  Now this thread is suggesting further scrutiny by Agon which I think is totally unnecessary.
There's already an issue with post removals without adequate explanations.
Not true. The forum's rules aren't complicated and the moderators are responsive to questions about the deletion of posts. 
+2, @gavman. 

Responsibility and freedom goes together. If you don't want to take responsibility for your actions, you shouldn’t exercise your freedom to post false, unverified info about any entity ‘going out of business’.