upgrade from Devore Nines

I am driving a pair of Devore Nines, with LFd integrated amp (50w), resolution audio cantata cd/dac in a 15×18 dedicated room.

I am contemplating the super nines.  Anyone completed this speaker upgrade?  I like Devore speakers (at least what I heard).

Any other upgrades from the Nines others have taken and been happy with?
I went from the 0/93's to the Super Nines (last March) and it was well worth the upgrade! The S9's are more extended in both frequency extremes and more dynamic. Imaging is better as well. For those contemplating getting new 0'93's, I say just move up to the S9's. They are not that much more money.

Thanks for the input grk.

The Super Nines are the last on my list of speakers I would like to hear before making my next speaker purchase (likely the Joseph Audio Perspectives), but unfortunately they are not a speaker most of us can audition.

I heard the Gibbon X with some of my music and with the fist stuff I heard I really liked it - it had that beutiful Devore tone and texture, but more refined/modern sounding than the O series. The last couple of tracks I played on the X weren’t as satisfying as I was expecting (some Talk Talk songs) - some bass bloat and the drums didn’t sound as real as through the 0/96. But much of what I heard was promising so it makes me intrigued by the Super Nines.
Though the Stereophile review of the Gibbon X which detected some leanness and a trough in the lower mids would have me a little worried (apparently an oddity in how the mids crossover to the lows).  I don't know if the Super Nine's would have the same issue, but it would seem a good hunch that they would share the same design choices.
You are welcome! I heard the Perspective 2 Graphenes at an audio show and they sounded quite good...but at $15k, they are out of my price.

I'm very familiar with the sound of the 0/93 (and 0/96) and they of course have that Big, Thick, Rich sound.  Do the Super Nines sound "thin" in comparison, or do they maintain a good sense of body to the sound as well?