Has any heard the new McIntosh MA8900 integrated?

Hi everyone.  I wondering if anyone has heard one of these and compared it to the MA7900.  Seems like the same amp with the exception of minor cosmetic changes and the upgradable DAC.  The 7900 is much cheaper, so I'm hoping there's not much difference.  Would appreciate any observations out there.



I have heard the 8900 but not the 7900.  I also heard what they call a "receiver", I think it was the MAC 6700.  The two that I heard had all kinds of power, but didn't seem special in terms of musicality, sound stage and imaging, and/or moving me.

Now, at AXPONA last weekend, what DID bowl me over and sounded awesomely musical was a Mark Levinson 585 integrated.  No, it doesn't have tone controls and all the features of the 8900, but I quickly forgot all about those after hearing the ML 585.  It was paired with the new Revel F228Be speakers and OMG, the sound was incredible.
I just got one a week ago, traded in my and c388 160watt int amp. this thing is amazing! sounding better every day,,, the 5 band equalizer makes this the real deal.....I purchased the fiber optic cables today and was disappointed, the analog cables sounded better to me for cd and Bluesound streamer............very pleased!
I'm wondering once the whole virus thing is over, if Mac will update their existing SS integrated amps like the recent pre updates (c53/c2700). Including the DA2 module. 
Got mine in Jan 2020. After 40 years of trying, my MAC4100 still ended up as my favorite. I did find a few power amps I liked better but the pre out on the 4100 always ruled. Having just retired, my first thought was get a new preamp but I was so impressed with the 8900. The DAC has been outstanding as has been the MC pre. Music Hall / Gold Ring Eroica. Haven't tried the MM. I use a Cocktail X45 for digital and USB Audioquest Coffee cable. Speakers are Altec Model 19's fully rebuilt. 
My experience with Mc has been when you A/B, there are a lot of amps out there that grab you. But when you listen for a while, you let go. The Mc may not instantly grab you, but you will hang on for hours. Loving my MA8900.