How to A/B Test Power Cables & Interconnects?

Looking for some advice. Here is the situation:

  • I am building out a new system (dCS Bartok > Parasound JC 2 BP > Parasound JC 5 > Floorstanding Speakers)
  • Equipment is on-hand. I am in the process of re-wiring the A/C circuit with two matching, 10awg home-runs (one for power Amp, one for sources)
  • I have the opportunity to try some high-end power cables and interconnects
  • I will invest in the cables if there is a discernible difference. I am somewhat skeptical.
  • I am trying to come up with a test protocol to determine what these higher end cables do. Everyone advises that I do A/B testing will listening to music. Of course I will do this.

My question:

Is there some more objective way to A/B test power cords and interconnects? I prefer to do this by listening,...not using lab equipment. How can I A/B measure system "blackness" or noise level?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If the OP could have a second person switch cables so he isn't able to know what has been switched, might be a way to A/B.
Being new you have no way of knowing we have someone here with near zero experience and practical knowledge who nevertheless loves to opine as if he were an expert on every subject imagineable. He doesn’t even know what a ground loop is, couldn’t explain it even if his life depended on it, yet feels compelled to post again and again all the same. Or as he himself woud put it, he feels compelled, obligated and driven to post, state, or say similar nonsense, falsehoods and misinformation, many times, repeatedly, and often.
Skeptical?  Nah.  They work and there is a discernible difference.
All depends on your tastes (like wine, as stated) and budget.

Just switched to streaming. System sounded great. Then I looked at what my installer used for an ethernet connection. It was a basic cable but they said, you don't need anything else.

Had a used SR Atmosphere ( last gen.)  sent out on trial basis and the difference was very, very noticeable. The ethernet cabling draws a lot of skeptics BUT I found it the best $350. I have spent.

Cables, power cords are part of a system. They work but not cheap tweaks and can become a money pit  Good luck.
First, to me, nothing is as valuable as the buyer’s pleasure. Whether pleasure of ownership, pleasure of listening, or pleasure of DIY, it’s your money, so do what you want to with it. Kids jerks? Spend their college fund. No problem from me.

But I do think that you are making choices about how you train your brain. It’s not all about what you buy, it’s what you tell your brain you want to focus on.

Lets say you train your brain to listen for the difference between silver plated interconnects, and braided gold. OK, great. You can hear it. How is that a goal that was worthy of you? Maybe it is.

Point is, a lot of things may not sound different at all. Some may sound different but not better.

Are you setting up your tests to guide your ear/brain mechanism to a happier place? If it takes you 20 hours to find a difference between two products, was that worth while?

If some one were to switch your chosen interconnects with other types, would you know in an hour?

Only you can answer these.

