The best place to listen to music??

This does not necessarily belong in the speaker section but since he uses old Tannoy speakers I thought it might be OK. 

Though I have never been there I think this would get my vote.

Clio, a VPI for sure. I don't think the other one is an SME. The Tonearm is certainly not an SME. Maybe an older Graham. 
I have never heard Line Magnetic stuff. It is certainly reasonable priced for point to point electronics. The speakers must be....very romantic. 
The woofer cabinet is constructed pretty much like old Bozaks. A big plywood box in this case ported with minimal bracing and fill. The enclosure itself is a musical instrument. You can see it opened up on their web site. Power these with their 160 watt single ended class A tube amps and run for cover. Boy I would love to hear that:) 
This post and the video asks the age old question.." can we just enjoy the music" ?  
@mijostyn, I just noticed the speakers were Line Magnetic as well. For some reason that escaped me on my previous visits. I wish they would have had the Devore speakers playing on one of my visits but they weren’t hooked up yet. Maybe next time.

The music can get pretty loud in there making it difficult to have a conversation if you are close to the speakers. If you are off in one of the side areas or at the bar it is easier to converse.
sounds real, you bet. Our specialty is the Aperol Spritzer. I keep a bottle of XO around for the really special people. 
They should probably have one music listening room and others that are relatively quiet for people who want to socialize. I think most of go to bars to socialize and we expect to have soft background music if anything. I go to concerts to listen to music. Some bars have dancing but I have little interest in thump bang disco music. It would be fun to hear what this system sounded like for sure.
soundsreal, sure, but I can't bury myself in the music and socialize at the same time. I can't bury myself in the music if there is too much background noise or the system sounds off. I can listen to anything as background music but then I am really not listening to the music. My idea of listening to music is to turn the lights off, lay back in a comfortable chair feet up with my head exactly were the calibration mic was and let the music cover me like a warm blanket eyes closed. The dichotomy of human existence. We can do such beautiful things as the most vicious animals in nature.