Opinions Golden Sounds DH Cones, I just bought some,they came in today

I bought some Jumbos to go under Preamp. Will try them this weekend, they just came in today. My tube CD player has easy access so I replaced Mapleshade brass with jumbos. I placed them in biggest triangle possible and found them a little exaggerated in the highs. I moved the back two feet 2 or so inches closer together and it smoothed out very nicely. That's as far as I've gotten. Very nice improvement over brass which I swapped back in just to confirm my findings.  If you have used the DH cones which component faired the best with the cones? I have amp, Preamp, phono preamp, turntable power supply,. I've heard 2 up 1 down, 2 down 1 up. Any advise were to place under component. I am going to buy Gaia Oreos next anyone compared the two, thank you.

I suspect I'll get around to that at some point Geoff. Thanks for being humble. Stay classy 
I placed the puck minis under tube Preamp it does sound like noise floor goes down maybe images a little better. I also feel like it loses a little air an slows things down a little too much. Loses a little jump factor.  I haven't had time to let pucks settle in or do a lot of listening. The funny thing is some of cables are JPS solid core so it's hard to flip isoacoustics pucks and a tall footer so I'm flipping between ISO pucks and vibrapods to get idea what pucks are doing.. Vibrapods have more air and jump factor. And I'm not the biggest fan of vibrapods by themselves. Boxer and lowrider did you find this with pucks under your preamp or do pucks need days to settle in. 

@paulcreed , I experienced the same faults as you when using the isoacoustics pucks; less air and slower overall. Also lack of transparency.  DH Cones has everything I'm looking for; jump factor is a good term to use. Noticeable on preamp and tube amp.