what's a good fm tuner?

Mcintosh wants $5000 for the tuner that looks like crap.....white  lights, come on boys get with it! I got the ma8900 and a and CD player.....im looking at the Yamaha t-s500..........the older mc tuners look cool mr78......but looks like a nightmare waiting to happen, and expensive one at best. 
This is the Mcintosh Model to get. They can still be found for a decent price. Forget those other models.


You will hear that "familiar sound" that will take you back more simple times. Nevermind the techie specs others will counter for some other brand. I've heard the Marantz 10B plenty of times, it's a more refined sound, but not THAT much.

Get a decent antennae setup, and sit back with a cold one.

You can find a nice aftermarket case for a reasonable price too. 

I found one one here, 4 years ago for $750, almost perfect chrome case, decent tubes, works flawless. 14 tubes of good ol analog sound.Even the DJ's sound good.
Yeah, the MR78 is a honey. I sent mine to Audio Classics for a Modafferi Mod some years ago. Updated, clean, and solid, but not cheap.

I also have an MD Etude. Musical, and I like the meters and digital readout. Very cool.

Unless you live far from the broadcast antennas, your reception antenna will be the more important element for getting signal. Some have built in signal boosters too.
the Magnum Dynalab md90 seems to have good feedback, but at $1400 this is awfully high for an entry level unit........I can get a fmj te2 arc tuner for $400 bucks......im not sure, never heard of this unit?
I have 2 McIntosh tuners, a MR85 digital tuner and a MR88 tuner with FM HD and XM radio. It looks the same as the MR87 but with the HD audio and XM. It looks perfect sitting one shelf above my MC302 amp. I have also owned a Magnum Dynalab Etude, a MD100 and a MD102. My Mac tuners bested all 3 of the Magnum Dynalabs.
The MD 90 isnt entry level in performance.... it's quite good.   They have been making them since 98 so they are easy to find used.   I paid $899 new when they first came out.   I ended up sending it in for service a few years ago.  I inquired about upgrading it and ended up just sending them a check for $700 and buying a Certified MD102 that looked brand new.   I couldnt pass it up and i'm glad I have it.  I'm in the Boston area and can pick up NH and RI stations....