Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

If you would have to simplify things, what would be the house sound of the lores and the house sound of the omens 9from people who have heard both).
I haven't read a post anywhere from anyone who has heard both.
My guess would be that different amps and rooms will influence the sound more than the difference between Omen and Lore just by looking and reading about them. This type of conjecture will likely be the closest you'll get until someone compares both.
The biggest differance that I've been able to read about is that the Lore has cabinet dampening, 30hz bass responce, Phase control and a tweeter that is second to none.
I don't know if it sound will be better or not. On paper and price, it has an edge.
>>"The biggest differance that I've been able to read about is that the Lore has cabinet dampening, 30hz bass responce, Phase control and a tweeter that is second to none."<<

The Omen has the ZURG loading, 30hz bass response, and I assume it has phase control (the Maine driver is set out and tweeter is recessed) and I assume a good tweeter also.
The Omen has 34hz bass responce. I doubt if one could hear the difference.
And the price difference is the real edge.