Audiophile Receptacle question

Hey guys. So I'm about to convert my garage to a home studio/listening room. Amongst other things I plan to get at least 4 new receptacles isolated to the breaker.  I'm looking at Furutech and Synergistic Research -Tesla Plex. I'm hoping to get good results with my equipment. But I was wondering if receptacles like these would provide any improvement on say my guitar amps? I also am a musician, as well as a professional music listener lol. Would love to get some input from others on this. I know these things are targeted for high end equipment, but would a vintage guitar tube amp not be considered high end of audiophile? It would be awesome if they made a sonic difference when I'm recording my music. Thanks
Thanks guys. I should of clarified. I'm not rocking a vintage amp with a 2 plug prong. My main guitar amps are from the 80's ( Mesa Boogie Mark II & III ) which aren't vintage enough to be 2 prong. But thanks for the concern!
@jerzey2222  I use a Mesa Tremoverb 2 12 combo, I will be interested to see if you hear any difference with your wall outlet. I use the excellent Oyaide R1 for my audio system...but the standard plug for the guitar stuff. 
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I agree with Millercarbon.  I tried my best not to buy these Solo Oval Crystal 8 speaker cables to the point where I demo’d them 2 different times and had then had to pull the trigger.  It was hard to do because they are cables.  I would have no issue spending that same amount of money on any other component that made the same difference so that’s why I did it.

I have not heard SR blue fuses (these are next on my list) or outlets, but every other mumbo jumbo thing I have heard from SR actually worked very, very well, to my total disbelief and skepticism.