Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...."

the Muse was about $10k new years ago, I paid $650 for it on Audiogon

What CD player can I buy that will hold its value and not be near worthless in anything more than a few years?

New or used.

I’m a big fan of older rega CD players. The Saturn or Jupiter are built real well, look real cool and sound very good. I dig my Saturn and will never give it up. I run it through my tube dac toslink input and couldn’t be happier. You can get a used Saturn for a decent price and resell for probably 75% of what you paid for it. The millennials dig them a lot.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Okay. Finally! Immediately of course someone has to diss the one and only legit example of what I've been asking for, a CD player that won't go straight to zero within years of ownership. That it took this long would seem to indicate, if I may be logical about it for a moment, that such are rare. Or at least not well known. 

The Saturn has a following, and its been around a long time. The posts here are almost 10 years old! Best of all- actually is a tie between it looks kinda cool, or at least not a boring box like most, and comes with the beautiful story line that the classic older versions are better than the newer ones. 

So that's one. Surely there must be at least one more out there somewhere? I mean, to find a 30+ year old car (with over 200k miles on it) worth more than it sold for new I need go no further than the other side of my kitchen and look into the garage. Surely Audiogon global reach can find more than one non-worthless CD player. Now that we know what we're looking for....

PS- "Your logic is so asinine" the word you were looking for mayoradamwest is, "airtight."
Post removed 
Nostalgia doesn't drive the cd player market to the extent it does the turntable market.
Surprisingly, the Sony SCD 1 is still selling used at more than half its price when new. Looks good and built like a tank. Of course, it plays SACDs also -- does that disqualify it as a "CD player"?

What about the Oppos? They do play CDs, but they are better used as Blu-ray players. They seem to have been priced up since the company got out of the business.

I admit I still have a lot of CDs. And I will always want something to play them.
I admit I still have a lot of CDs. And I will always want something to play them.

Why???  It’s like saying I still have a buggy whip, so I want to keep a horse around to use it.  Seriously.  When you can either load your CDs onto a server and/or, better yet, just subscribe to a good music subscription service (i.e. Qobuz, Tidal, etc.) and get virtually all the music on your CDs plus millions of other songs as well for a few dollars a month without leaving your chair, why would you cling to playing a CD one at a time on a CD player?

There’s no benefit to playing CDs on a CD player anymore.  It’s not like vinyl where you get a different experience for having to remove your arse from the chair to flip sides or change albums.  Having to get up to change CDs gets you nothing, except inconvenience and maybe a little exercise.  And subscribing to a music service will open your world to music you probably would’ve never heard.  Think of it as having the world’s largest jukebox at your disposal for a few dollars per month.  Imagine picking a genre, hitting shuffle, and entering a world of discovery.  Or you can continue playing one CD of yours at a time.  Just sayin’.