I admit I still have a lot of CDs. And I will always want something to play them.
Why??? It’s like saying I still have a buggy whip, so I want to keep a horse around to use it. Seriously. When you can either load your CDs onto a server and/or, better yet, just subscribe to a good music subscription service (i.e. Qobuz, Tidal, etc.) and get virtually all the music on your CDs plus millions of other songs as well for a few dollars a month without leaving your chair, why would you cling to playing a CD one at a time on a CD player?
There’s no benefit to playing CDs on a CD player anymore. It’s not like vinyl where you get a different experience for having to remove your arse from the chair to flip sides or change albums. Having to get up to change CDs gets you nothing, except inconvenience and maybe a little exercise. And subscribing to a music service will open your world to music you probably would’ve never heard. Think of it as having the world’s largest jukebox at your disposal for a few dollars per month. Imagine picking a genre, hitting shuffle, and entering a world of discovery. Or you can continue playing one CD of yours at a time. Just sayin’.