Dealer behavior issue

I would like opinions as to whether members feel that I’m being unreasonable to think
that a very popular dealer has not performed so well on my behalf, the customer. Last summer I ordered an expensive ARC amp understanding that delivery would most likely be in Oct which was fine with me. I did make a commitment which I understand.
My situation seriously changed due to my wife’s health but I agree that’s not his problem.
At this point I requested to pay a handsome restocking fee, 2-3k, can’t remember the amount but he was cavalier saying why would I want to do this?
So that was that.
The unit is about to be delivered and as I’ll immediately resell the unopened box I gave him a last offer.
The transaction had a current unit model trade in that retailed for 8k and is a favorite product of his and he carries it.
Yesterday I offered to give him this unit as the restock fee with 90 days to fully refund me.
I have received no response so he didn’t like my offer which is his right. I have spent over 40k retail over the last two years with him with no problems.
So in the end I changed my mind which is the lowest form of audio behavior. Was I foolish to think this guy would accommodate me? The product I offered to GIVE him will fly out his door for $4k .
This is just business as usual ?
Personally I would take the unit and resell as a new in box and never do business with that dealer again. 
There are always three sides to every story - yours, mine and the truth which is a combination of your
and mine. That being said the fact that you have spent $50k with this dealer and asked him to help you with a difficult situation and he was not very willing tells me he either has more business than he can deal with and doesn’t mind losing you as a customer or he is not a very good businessman and lacks an understanding of what customer service really means. I would hate to lose your business and would not wanting you using the internet to tell everyone how much I failed to satisfy a reasonable request. That is devastating to any business let alone and industry that is so small. I would definitely dump him and find a better dealer.
I would take Joe’s advice above, get it done and focus on other important issues.  It really is a shame however since you have promoted this dealer in past threads. My guess is that he is in Sarasota, Florida.
Many years ago I had a similar scenario with a local dealer. I had bought a lot of gear from this guy..always at full retail. One day I walked into his store and was looking at a couple of records. His sales person asks me if I am going to keep looking at the records or am i going to be buying something; he then tells me if I am not buying something to get out of the store! With that, i ask for the manager/owner...whom i had always bought from. I get the same basic response from this or leave! So, guess what, i left and never came back. After a few years, the dealer went into insolvency and closed his doors. For some reason, I get some pleasure out of that.
If I were the OP, I would take the amp, resell it for whatever I could get for it...and make sure that I never dealt with this dealer again...and made sure that all in my sphere did exactly the same thing.
I imagine there are some customers that make selling stereos a little less fun. No matter how much they spend . Not saying the OP is one of these but perhaps the store owner is feeling a little taxed in the helpful and courteous department.