Dealer behavior issue

I would like opinions as to whether members feel that I’m being unreasonable to think
that a very popular dealer has not performed so well on my behalf, the customer. Last summer I ordered an expensive ARC amp understanding that delivery would most likely be in Oct which was fine with me. I did make a commitment which I understand.
My situation seriously changed due to my wife’s health but I agree that’s not his problem.
At this point I requested to pay a handsome restocking fee, 2-3k, can’t remember the amount but he was cavalier saying why would I want to do this?
So that was that.
The unit is about to be delivered and as I’ll immediately resell the unopened box I gave him a last offer.
The transaction had a current unit model trade in that retailed for 8k and is a favorite product of his and he carries it.
Yesterday I offered to give him this unit as the restock fee with 90 days to fully refund me.
I have received no response so he didn’t like my offer which is his right. I have spent over 40k retail over the last two years with him with no problems.
So in the end I changed my mind which is the lowest form of audio behavior. Was I foolish to think this guy would accommodate me? The product I offered to GIVE him will fly out his door for $4k .
This is just business as usual ?

I’m surprised at the amount of your deposit and method of payment, when your relationship was built on years of mutual trust and fulfillment. Whose offer or request was it to make such a generous commitment to purchase, rather than just a minimal consideration of anything more than say $100?   


that statement about only giving $100.00 as deposit is wrong.  When I ordered my GE Triton Reference Speakers from my dealer, I had already spent over 15K in his store in the last year purchasing GE Triton Ones and Triton twos plus other equipment.  I ordered my speakers in February of 2017 and the dealer INSISTED I pay half up front which was $4500.00 to order them even though he wouldn’t get charged for them until they shipped.  In my case I didn’t receive the speakers until mid July 2017.  When I spoke to Sandy Gross about this at GE, he stated that it was wrong because the dealer would be notified the week before delivery and he was free to cancel at no cost to him.  Some dealers like mine are just plain greedy.  
Went to RMAF to listen to digital streamers. Settled on the new Bryston
BDA-3.14 which is their BDA-3 DAC and their BDP-Pi streamer all in one box.  Called Audio Connection in Verona, NJ which is the closest dealer
Bryston to me. I do have a short relationship with them. Ordered the
BDA-3.14 during the phone call.  The deal is when they get notification from Bryston that the piece is being produced I'll get a call and will need to pay them ~half of the $4K price.  The Bryston rep at RMAF spoke very highly of the Audio Connection and vice versa.  This to me is how a deal should go down, particularly because they were willing to talk about the price.

To the OP, sorry for your personal troubles.  I would be on the phone to ARC as many times as took to straighten this out.  All of my dealings with
ARC have been pleasant, efficient and everyone was happy. 
If you are so disgruntled about this situation as to post here looking for
affirmation or solace, then I think you should name the dealer.  


So, basically you loaned him the money for 6 months, at 0% interest, so that he could buy the speakers, that he will sell to you for much more than he paid for them. But, you think a minimal deposit as a show of commitment is “wrong”? If he asked me for half up front I would have suggested a unique “speaker placement” to him  and left.