Matching Gear matter to you?

So I had a plan to to go with a single manufacturer for my power amp, line stage and phono preamp. It soothes my OCD but also looks sexy as hell in addition to component synergy. 
That said it was brought to my attention that a different manufacturer has a better component which is also less expensive. My first thought is better and cheaper = do it do it.

Am I crazy? (Probably)

Is my OCD holding me back?
Yeah it seems like most systems are a mush mash of components chosen for sound. Which totally makes sense.

i think my dysfunction is that I feel like I’m not being patient and going for a less expensive device vs staying the course and following through on my vision. Even though it’s not the case it’s evidently better than what I had planned. I’m dysfunctional. It shows.
My integrated tube amplifier, tube CD player, and tube phono stage are all from the same manufacturer. I've never had any regrets about any of it, but I did do some rather diligent research before I got any of it. One of the things that stood out to me was that there is no plastic on any of these units; even the remotes for the amp and cd player are metal with little ball bearings for the buttons. You can't hear the "no plastic" feature but to me it indicated a serious effort and I doubt they put more effort into the remotes than they did in the design of the equipment.
Most audiophiles are OCD about their system...LOL. I have gone through few iterations of having multiple components from ‘same’ manufacturer. There are advantages to do get the tonality and synergy right from get go, since they are all cut from the same sonic fabric. Not to mention the uniformity, I have seen Naim stack and they look pretty dope.

IMO, above approach is safe and easy way to build your audio system. But it also limits you to one manufacturer’s vision of sound. I have gone through four systems from same manufacturer and I can say unequivocally, nothing is more fun and satisfying when you take time to put together a system from different manufacturers. You’re bound to endure few headaches going this route but you could end up with a system that’s just as gratifying and SOTA. 
Good luck!
@lalitk  thanks. This particular piece is a tube preamp so I’m extra cautious as I’m aware of the role it plays in the overall tonality of the system.