Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt

Hi - I recently heard 2 speakers in the Performa3 line and was very impressed.  Reading about the company' s research efforts and scientific approach to design furthered by respect for Revel's products.  As I'm in the middle of a speaker search I happened to mention to a audio dealer hearing Revel speakers and my favorable experience.  He doesn't carry Revel and wrote to  me that he heard that they are having financial problems and will be dropping Revel.   This doesn't make sense to  me and I couldn't find any news that backs up his statement.  Does  anyone know  anything about this?  Is it just the dealer's "sour grapes"

Crap dealers have been saying things like this about products they don’t carry. It is as old as sales.  

Good dealers will say instead, “they make a good product, but I believe xxxx that we carry is better, would you like to hear them.”
Samsung bought harman this year, maybe last so there may be some speculation but I agree dealers have no incentive to promote brands they don’t carry.
 That said I owned 3 different pairs of revels, 1 performa 2 and both salon 1 and 2 and the consistent theme was how amplifier sensitive they are. With bottom  and front ported speakers there’s less room reinforcement in the bass and for stereo playback keeping them away from side walls also can make them sound light weight in comparison to previous models. Just saying, I would get a home demo before buying new.
Rule #1
Never mention a speaker you like to a dealer that doesn't sell them.

I know it sounds trite but it never ends well. I suppose it depends somewhat on the dealer. I know I have done it and it was a lead balloon each time.

Best to keep the scope of your search under your hat when visiting
Brick and Mortar dealers after all they are in some cases struggling to make sales. 

Just my 2 Cents 

Appreciate  your comments. Dougstat you are right --- I learned a lesson.  My situation is that I'm looking for new speakers, and have come to like the Revel floorstanders.  I went to the Harmon store in my city and heard the F228BE.  Not having had floorstanders in a long time (and using bookshelf speakers in my 15 by 21 ft apartment living room, I thought to play it conservatively and start with the F35 and work my way up the line (could go to the F228BE (or maybe the F226BE).  
the floorstanders are awesome, buddy runs a pair w fleawatt Eico and sonics within reason db wise are to die for....