tleddy6 posts10-04-2019 2:57pmI am using Pass Aleph III’s on stacked Quad 57’s
The only amps I liked as well were the Cary 805’s
I second the response from tleddy6 about the Cary Audio CAD 805's. I will go a bit further and say the Cary Audio 805AE. Dennis builds one of the best amplifiers on the market IMO. My other favorite which I'm supprise no one mentioned was Jeff Rowland, Ayre, & Boulder. I personally love the Jeff Rowland Model 12's monoblock (4 chassis design) They drive my Magnepan .7 speakers like i have never heard them before. I use to have the Pass Labs Xa30.5 which sounded really good but I preferred the Cary 805AE monoblock and the Jeff Rowland Model 12 monoblock for their warmth, imaging and unbelievable sound stage.
Happy Listening and less debating :-)