The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre?

There are two high end SS amp brands which, from a technical perspective, don’t do very well, which I am thinking of:

Ayre and Pass.

Pass has stated that even ordered distortion is euphonic. Ayre’s zero feedback, diamond circuit has a great deal of distortion compared to the very best measuring amps.

I have to admit, that like an IPA vs. a Belgian White, I have a very strong preference, but my preference is not canon. It is just how my wallet moves me. You should in no way feel like my tastes matter. Buy what makes you giddy with joy.

Would you, kind lady or gentleman, tell us if you have heard both, what did you think?? Is this to narrow? Would you throw another brand into the ring??
I agree with others responding to this guy's post- endless obvious trolling with an overt agenda to look for issues with Pass products- Just weird frankly.
Talk about specs?  I own two 45 year old Crown amps. One is the DC 150A series II. The other is a PL One.  I have enjoyed for years the great sound. The specs on the older DC 150 A II will rival some of the best amps made.  Zero phase shift from DC to 50khz.  Distortion very low.  Can drive 2 ohm loads. But the sound is not as good as some other gear like Leveson, Mac, and others  The endeavor for perfection in sound is all between the ears as much as in them.
I’ve started 2 threads about Pass.

I’ve solicited details, and pretty much only discouraged posts which lacked specifics of gear and encouraged relative discussions. "I listened to brand x and I ended up with Pass because ..."

Plenty of all pro-Pass threads, which don’t really reach beyond that demo. Or threads asking "What’s the best Pass integrated?" or "I have a Paxx X53, should I get the X60???"

The Pass / Ayre divide is in this sense extremely useful since neither amp attempts absolute technical perfection buyers who have compared the two may have the most to discuss.

In the mean time several interesting people have jumped in at any opportunity to claim intentions which are simply not in evidence in the thread.

But please, call me a troll and fail to participate.

Stop with the nonsense about technical imperfections!  Both amplifiers measure quite well on traditional bench test protocols.  They are both low noise and low distortion amps that meet their specifications.
looks like buyer's remorse
too bad mate. many amp brands out there that will suit your taste better 
try using your ears they will never fool you. that pseudo scientific approach is what got you to this state of confusion.i can imagine that now you can choose the best amp only by looking at it's thd ...yeah right. 
if you would only buy what sounds best to you than you wouldn't need specs or audio forums to make you feel better about it. i also understand the heroes that try to inform us of the bullshit products that exist but in this case both brands are so loved by audiophiles that nothing you will say can hurt them.     don't trust me trust your ears