Need help to find a solid state amp that sounds as good as VTL S200

The VTL S200 gives me exactly the sound I was looking for. It has everything, the only issue it’s a tube amp and I promised myself to never go back to tubes. Anyone has a suggestion for a solid state amp that is close in performance to the VTL?
Sure,  VTL has made some great sounding amps.....   but my personal experience with VTL 's horrible service did not turn me off from tubes.   Want reliability and exceptional service ?  Check out Quicksilver  V4 monos.   170w Monos.

I went from SS to tube, back to SS, back to tubes..... currently using one of Quicksilver's little amps, Mid Monos and they are fantastic.  Have had them for over 5 years and they have been rock solid.   
I have Magico A3 speakers and I don't want to spend more than 15K CAD. Fortunately the distributor for VTL in Canada is amazing as well as my dealer, Audioville in Montreal, so VTL's service doesn't bother me that much. I heard really good things about Aesthetix, but there's no dealer around here. Thank you all!