SF Cremona Auditor M vs Harbeth 30.1

Anyone have any experience with these two speakers and which they like better and how they differ?
I have had my Cremona Auditor Ms for 8 yrs now and have tried to move on to another speaker but can't seem to better them in the sub $8K range.  I had a pair of Harbeth P2ESR in my work office setup nad was very pleased with their performance.  I went to listen to the 30.2 and Super 5 but could not justify the difference after trade-in. 
@dhcod  and @miner42
Thanks so much for your posts. I, too, have the CAM's and while I've been looking at other options for my small, dedicated listening room, all I've found, are speakers which are, at best, (maybe) lateral moves, not to mention the "negative cash flow"  I'd incur.  :) . In addition to the sound of the SF's,  a big plus for me is their physical beauty.
I owned the Cremona Auditor Ms and really liked them.They are especially good with classical and acoustic music.String tone is especially good.And of course they look beautiful.I only sold them because I wanted to use them in a smallish room and found they need a lot of space  around them to sound their best which  was not possible in that room.I ended up replacing them with Meniscus Audio Kairos kit speakers which match the room better and which sound very good too but lack a bit of musicality compared to the SFs.By far the best speaker I have heard of that type is the Dynaudio Confidence Platinum C1 but they cost a lot more.Other than that the Osborn Eos Reference is extremely good and fantastic value.The Mark and Daniels Maximus is also superb but they need a lot of power to sound their best.