Music Server Recommendation

Hello AG community,
I have embarked down the path of getting my music off my computer (iMAC>USB Drive>Ethernet) and on to a dedicated music server.  Primarily I am looking for significantly improved sound quality and instant on. It will feed my DAC (most likely via USB). Need 4TB in onboard storage (no attached drives/NAS). I would really prefer to stay with Roon (have a lifetime sub) but will consider others with equal or superior functionality/sound/remote app.
Budget is $4-5k

My current primary equipment:
PS Audio DirectStream Jr/Oppo BDP-105
Ayre K-5xe Pre
Conrad Johnson MF2500a Amp
Vandersteen Quatro Woods
AQ Niagra 1000
AQ cables

I have been considering the below:

In the lead:
Antipodes EX (+ 4TB SSD)/Roon $5100
Innuous Zenith MKII Std/Roon $?? (can't figure out the US cost yet)

I really like the Antipodes especially the modular approach (ability to add a CX down the road), reviews and their reputation. Innuous seems like it may rival the Antipodes in sound quality. Both are not the easiest to buy or figure out sellers/distributors/pricing.

Aurender N100H $3000
Melco N1 MKII $??

Aurender is readily avail. Conductor app is generally well regarded. Would prefer the N10 but it is out of my range. I have heard some negatives regarding this unit being a bit shrill (definitely not anything I would be happy with). The Melco is very interesting and meets the sound quality std but is probably the fussiest from a setup perspective. Their software/remote app is probably the weakest of this group. Also confused about the 2 x XTB setup (is this a raid array or combined storage)?

What other products should I seriously consider in that price range? Is the budget sufficient for my requirements or should I look used or wait and save more?

Thank you in advance and look forward to your feedback

No problem @ghasley 
I don't see this as a contest any more than what amplifier somebody likes best.
I looked at the  Innuos Zenith MkIII and also the much more expensive  Innuos Zenith Statement that all the reviewers say is outstanding.  They both seem to be very purpose-built pieces using advanced technologies, as are the Antipodes pieces.
The quality of a playback chain can be limited by the source, DAC, amplification, speakers, room, etc., which makes the "what is best" question sort of a moot point without adding "for my system, needs, and budget."
Based on reviews, user comments, and other information I have seen, I suspect both Antipodes and Innuos pieces are excellent at their price points and possibly well above some of the other competitors. 
What I can say for sure is that my current source of Antipodes DX Gen3 as server via Ethernet into either Metrum Ambre or SOtM triad as endpoint, sounds way better than my dedicated and fully tricked out Mojo Mac mini and also better than the several high-end CD players I was using prior to switching to non-physical media.  For me, the Ambre offers the benefit of going I2S into my Metrum Adagio DAC while the SOtM stuff outputs USB.  I do like non-MQA Roon playing my ripped discs or Tidal, and I am keeping my powder dry on Qobuz until they get a larger (rock/blues/popular) library, and on Amazon until I learn more about the size of the library, ability to play full albums, how many of the selections are actually hi-rez, and (hopefully) integration with Roon. 
@ghasley @mitch2 @hehaw77 and others... Informative posts on both Innuos and Antipodes.


is anyone else curious why 6moons/Srajan uses an all in one 27’ iMac as his server/source?

Srajan has addressed this in the past. I don’t remember where / which review. The best I can point to is his Letters section, copied below. It is the 9th ’Letter / Response’ from the top (as of now) and relates to an Antipodes inquiry.

As his response indicates (and from memory) he is WiFi averse. I have to provide a link since his site locks out copying content.
Hello everyone. Glad to have found this site. I’m new to audio and computer audio as well so all this is making my head spin, but well worth the effort to find great audio. I was set on the Innous offering until I visited a dealer in SF. They had the Statement and the Antipodes Dx hooked up to Niam player (the  rest of their system was Noam output to a pair of Focals- so optimized setup) and the difference was night and day, where the Dx just offered more of the qualities we want in music listening. Needless to say the Statement was very lacking in terms of soundstage, base extension, etc.  We did notice a smoothing effect that the Statement did with the music which sounds like artifice. Most suprising was I found my SGC AP I7 server sounded just as good if not better than both players, except in the noise floor.  My two companions agreed.  Given this experience I’m wondering if there is a deminishing if return on investment.  Can someone comment on my findings. 

Also what is all the buzz about going Ethernet to optical as offered by SGC and products like the SOTM sNH 10 G which with the SFP module to isolate Ethernet noise. Has anyone gone down this route.