Excellent article in Stereophile

This is one of the most interesting articles I've read on harmonic distortion and its affect on sound quality and why the classic THD is a worthless specification. 

It is worth reading for research sources, but I find the article itself riddled with opportunities for more questions, and honestly, self promoting.

I'm definitely going to have to go back to those footnotes though.
I have and cherish and yes full disclose sold them eons ago one of the first SS amps to take advantage to Dr. Otolla research into TIM, the venerable Audionics CC2
....we also had Other brands chasing vanishingly low THD and they hurled in comparison 
It looks like much of what Ralph-Atma Sphere, has said is true.
Odd ordered harmonics, when reduced relative to the even, make for a more listenable amp.
Ben makes some pretty serious claims in this article, he claims to have figured out what makes Class A amps sound great, and an inexpensive way to replicate it.

I have never heard of any of the technology he discusses. It's 27 years later.

Anyone have examples to modern gear which might have benefited?
I'm genuinely asking, did his ideas succeed?
As an aside, he is right about fully regulated amps being desirable, and yet unobtainable. In recent memory the closest I've seen were a line from Krell and the Sander's Magtech amps, which are quasi regulated.

He claims to have solved the amp regulation problem. Anyone seen it?