Need Some Tube Amp Advice

I am looking for advice on a tube amp and preamp setup that isn't outrageously expensive but best bang for the buck.  I have a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls from the 80' and they sound rich and beautiful however I know they can reproduce better results if I get rid of my 100wpc Yamaha solid state amp!  I love jazz and vocal music mainly with some rock and roll mixed in.  I listen to almost exclusively vinyl on either my B&O TX turntable or my Yamaha PX-3 turntable.
As I understand I can customize the tube amp to more of what I prefer but really know nothing.  Please help!
Also consider if you want to bias or get a self biasing Amp(S). 
And please check out Rogers high fidelity. Beautiful Amps

Will you want to headphones? Not all rigs have a jack. 
Line Magnetic's amp are incredibly high value, considering the build and sound quality, especially if you buy used. Stereophile has one of their integrated listed as class A.
Quicksilver has an integrated amp that puts out 20wpc. That should be plenty with Cornwalls. The price is right. $1995.00.  The company has a great reputation.
Check out Stephen Monte’s SQ-88 integrated amp. Under $1800
He is a tube guy through and through with several designs in his line and developed a line of H.E speakers to go with this tube amps. The SQ-88 is tube roller friendly (el34, 6550 & kt88) with no bias fusing. Powerful 55 wpc yet all about tube sound. I have his SQ-84v2 (6v6gt  15 wpc.) integrated and it is outright beautiful to listen to on my Vandersteen 1Ci.

I can tell you without reservation ,
Jolida Audio has taken a Dramatic step
forwards in high quality, superb design and value with their New line now called Black ice Audio .Long time Designer 
Jim Fosgate has designed their excellent new preamplifier as well as 
amps .I own the Black ice  F35 and it is excellent .and one of the best looking amplifiers out there,great meter bias setup,and a fully balanced differential 
tube design for under $2k it will easily compete with anything 2 x the cost .
I owned  a Audiostore  for years and know performance, is Excellent.