Agreed, noromance, though a little music is a pleasant start to the day. It almost has to be a mini-vacation so I can feel really free to dive into my collection. There is a flow to moving from one piece to the next, a queue starting to stack up in my head, that is impossible with just 20 minutes, or even an hour.
Neighbors have never been an issue where I live now, but I (mostly) kept respectable hours and volumes during the apartment years. I do pay attention to the forums about how audiophiles manage neighbors, especially with the right gear. Elizabeth, I believe, has talked about the merits of her Maggies in her condo. Puts the music in the room, not through the walls.
Jtcf, I really like the idea of planning a regular weekly listening session. Difficult to manage on my part, but it's a goal worth striving for!
Neighbors have never been an issue where I live now, but I (mostly) kept respectable hours and volumes during the apartment years. I do pay attention to the forums about how audiophiles manage neighbors, especially with the right gear. Elizabeth, I believe, has talked about the merits of her Maggies in her condo. Puts the music in the room, not through the walls.
Jtcf, I really like the idea of planning a regular weekly listening session. Difficult to manage on my part, but it's a goal worth striving for!