change the amp it's too harsh unless it's really hot than it's smoother.
24/7 should be good enough to sound good from the first minute but after an hour all amps will sound better.try to choose one that sounds good enough once it's on .the rest is a bonus(it's like a mini break in every time it operates).
or you can swap the speakers or the source to something less intense or warmer and keep the amp. try to first spot your problem tone wise than figure a way to deal with it by changing something to the opposite direction. brystons can be bright.adding a tube buffer can help.
24/7 should be good enough to sound good from the first minute but after an hour all amps will sound better.try to choose one that sounds good enough once it's on .the rest is a bonus(it's like a mini break in every time it operates).
or you can swap the speakers or the source to something less intense or warmer and keep the amp. try to first spot your problem tone wise than figure a way to deal with it by changing something to the opposite direction. brystons can be bright.adding a tube buffer can help.