Best Interconnects for under $300 pair

Lets face it 90% of audiophiles are in this price range, and very good cables can be bought. I have tried various cables by Kimber, AudioQuest, Cardas, but my top pick at this price is the beautiful new SilverAudio Hyacinth. I have owned SA SilverBullet 4s and thought they were superb....much better in all respects to Kimber SilverStreak, but these new Hyacinths are slightly better in all respects to SilverBullet 4, yet are almost the same price! Best value available today for audiophiles....any other contenders?
I would look at Nordost Red Dawn or Blue Heaven. Both excellent cables at their price points.
If you think AudioQuest cables are good, you have a wonderful surprise coming when you audition Stealth CWC or CWS (cross-wrapped copper, cross-wrapped copper). Only reservation: the rest of your system has to be up to it. You can try these with a 30-day money-back guarantee (you pay shipping), and I'm very, very glad I did.
It depends. I'd go to Synergistic Research Looking Glass phase 1 and Luminescense phase 1, only available as used , I guess. Another great contender as a used cable would be Discovery Signature.