Integrated tube amp under $1000 / $2000

Recently a friend asked me which tube amp he could get used for $1000, I replied that maybe for $2000 he could get something decent but honestly I have no idea what to answer. As a matter of fact I told him for a 1000 he might better get SS than tubes. I have Atmasphere MA-1s myself. 
Can anyone provide some constructive advice of decent tube amps with acceptable quality for $1k (or up to $2k) to drive Klipsch speakers, trying to find out the exact model, I think he has Cornwalls.
Thank you in advance. 

@luisma31 09-20-2019 8:08pm

...Recently a friend asked me which tube amp he could get used for $1000, I replied that maybe for $2000 he could get something decent but honestly I have no idea what to answer...

How's the recommendation coming along for your friend, did you decide?  Seems like there were several great recommendations here. I have a friend looking to do the same, but not sure what to recommend as I've run mostly separates and heard only a few integratess like the QS and my former highly upgrade Cary SLI-80.  Some of the other recommendations here sound like fun too.     
I haven't spoke to my friend in about a week, have to follow up with him

Jorge u here already watching this thread?

Towards the upper end of your friends budget but it is new, self biasing and able to roll from stock KT88 to 6550 or EL-34.  
Great sounding amp that is pure simplicity for tube loving folks that don't want to fiddle with biasing.  Powerful enough for many speakers out there and more than plenty for heritage Klipsch.

I had been happy with  Rogue Cronus Magnum II for 6 years after some tube rolling with Amperex 12Au7 and Telefunken 12AX7.

I still keep it just as reserve for Silbatone 300B amp and Line Magnetic 508.

A member and colleague here was supposed to list his DH Inspire 6L6 Triode tube amp and the matching LP27 tube preamp as a set/pair, and he also has a Decware Tori he mentioned planning to list on Agon.  Have not seen it yet, will keep an eye out.