New SR Orange fuse ...

Ok, for those who have been waiting with bated breath, the new fuse I've been beta testing is the new Synergistic Research ORANGE fuse. 

Price for either size, large or small, will be $159.95 and will be available in all values. Available through your dealer by the middle of the month. The 30-day return policy is still in effect. 

This new fuse has more impact on SQ than going from the SR Black fuse to the SR Blue fuse. For those of you who have made this change, you know that is saying a lot.

The new Orange fuse's main strength, as I see it, is the improvement in tonal accuracy. In addition, everything just flows better, with lower distortion, better three-dimensionality, and improved dynamics. 

This is a definite winner, for sure. Two thumbs up. 


Ozzy ...

You really should jump on these Orange fuses. Once broken in they are miles ahead of the SR fuses that came before them ... even the Blues. 

As the SR Orange fuses have been breaking in, I’ve been taking notes. Here’s some of my observations:

Compared to the SR Blue fuses ... 

1. A further relaxation in the presentation. Less HiFi and more realism.

2. Clarity - less grain. I thought I had this one whipped, but who knew?

3. Expanded soundstage. Instruments and performers are more well placed within the stage.

4. More articulation in vocals. More organically human. The great song stylists have me hanging on every word, and really getting into the lyrics.

5. Improved dynamics. Drums of every stripe have more impact and realism.

6. More body to everything. More meat on the bones.

7. Improved tonal accuracy. Violins, cellos, guitars, and pianos get five stars for sure.

8. The volume level can be set lower while getting the same loudness level as before making the switch from the SR Blue fuses to the SR Orange fuses.

9. There is an added warmth in the mid-bass that is very attractive and involving. Not overly done ... but just right. Everything is system dependent of course, and in my system, using ARC gear, this little bit of added warmth is a real improvement.

Highly recommended.

Do you have to buy the black and blue fuses first, or can you go straight to orange?
I wish I could justify the expense on a fuse... but I can't. However, wrapping masking tape around the glass part of an ordinary fuse yields a good improvement.
^^^ ... Yes, you have to buy the Reds, the Blacks and the Blues. This allows you to pass Go, and only then are you eligible to buy the Orange fuses. :-)

I suspect that the masking tape reduces micro-vibrations in the fuse. 

The reason I found these premium fuses blow say a 1 amp fuse 
in a stock steel fuse is because the cheap fuses can vary up to 15%+ in accuracy ,where the premium fuse is within 1%.
on bigger slow blow you can only get saidvalues like 5 amp 
in a small fuse if it calls for a 1 amp ,I go 1,25 ampthis way it gives you a buffer. And I just bought for my Lampizator Amber3 dac the new orange it calls for a 3 amp 20 mm slow ,I put a 3.125 amp fuse.
these new orange fuses make your whole performance open up 
and sound more natural.   Another tip for DIY people the New 
VH Audio ODAM oil metalized poly capacitors are Great .and I have tried almost everything outthere over the years.
before going out and buying top $$ Copper foil Jupiter,Millflex  or Duelunds  these are exceptional ,not over large actually tighter wound and compact and put 1.0uf in my Dac, Stunning realism  even after 24 hours ,give them 100 hours ,and priced very reasonable vs the  Big $$ caps. Just check them out !!