Dep14, I am picking the rosewood finish and the version that has the smaller upper grills and the wood veneered middle portion above the large veneered tapered base (not the other available version with large upper grills like on the original Ohm Fs). I am having a pair of Ohm F’s that I inexpensively obtained remade into these by Ohm Acoustics, as the discount for reusing old speakers is significant.
Of the amps that I listed, 2 are class D and 1 is class AB. The amp you use is class AB. I have read that class D amps work best with "warm" sounding speakers and I have seen some Ohm speaker reviews that use the term "warm" in the description and some that do not include this word. How would you or anyone else reading this classify the Ohms that you have?
You may be amazed by this, but this is a totally blind purchase by me, so I don’t have any experience with Ohms other than a few minutes listening in an aisle way in a used audio store to a very old smaller pair with dated drivers. I am going off of online recommendations to my past posted topics, so all of you that have responded in the past collectively have picked these for me. Thus, keeping up with the spirit of this, you all can collectively help with the amp selection, which I may or may not, as stated earlier in this topic string, be able to audition prior to purchase.