Just as soon as I think I've tweaked the system to it's maximum, something else comes along to take it to new heights. I enjoy sharing the information on this site.
To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!
oregonpapaHow many times have I seen you say this, from stock to black to blue to red to purple now orange, you must have the best sounding system in the world. jetterThat’s a roger roger, straight into SR’s pocket at the speed of light, not only for fuses but anything else RS has, and maybe a little honey back on the side, for yours truly. BTW: no more SR $150 "Orange fuse" thread that was just blatant s******g. You can guarantee a new trainee SR s*****r, will start one up in it’s place. Because there’s now a million Orange fuses to get rid of at rrp $150, cost price 20cent, nice profit if you can get it. Cheers George |
What do you think, there’s a 15mm long strip of unobtainim in that glass tube, get real. Ok, ok, lets double it to 50c still dam good in anyone’s books. I had no idea!!! there’s even one for $225usd!!!! Talk about preying on the gullible https://highend-electronics.com/collections/accessories/fuses Cheers George |