Amps with meters ...

are just a lot better than amps without meters.

also you may notice by doing a market analysis that any audio unit of any kind brings more $$ resale working or not.1030s-present.
Visual aesthetics are different for everyone based upon many factors.  I love the big blue meters on my MC501s and also enjoy the rest of my gear’s visuals in low light settings when I am listening.

None of it affects the sound, it is all what the listener prefers to see or not see.
The meters on my ARC 160  monoblocks are not accurate. But they sure are pretty when I choose the lowest level of light in the window from which you can see the tubes within (one can adjust the brightness within the double paned plastic window on the face of the amp) . Call me shallow--- but since the amps are in my living room, it is an added bonus to the sound when they look good.  I would never buy a component based upon looks, but I would certinly not avoid one because it looks good.