Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
Reach out to user @worldwidewholesales, who is the NA dealer and ask him that question. He would have answers for you.
Most members here pat themselves on their back for their fine purchases.  I've tried many conditioners and in my system there are always warts....sometimes weeks of listening is required to hear them. 
I wish people would not respond on stuff they have not used before. And they continue to use the same rant year after year, on power conditioner threads.

@stringreen Your system is your problem not mine. No one can help if your system behaves differently than what they have. On my system, when I added Herbies Footers under 2 components, I was able to make out the difference in presentation. I know my system enough and don't need your validation. I was letting the forum members know about a  review on the product. Read it if you like or move on.
Milpal.......I wasn’t talking to you. Why are you taking such an attitude. Im only talking about my system.... and encouraging all to listen carefully at what any addition/correction sounds like. All too readily, through the years of playing around with this and that black box, I’ve had to put them in the garage never to use them again. I have an all Ayre system. Ayre themselves makes a power conditioner, so I suppose there is some value in them. In my system, I haven’t found one that doesn’t have a wart or two of which I would rather do without.
Re: Herbie....I put them under my Vandersteen's and they absolutely ruined the sound...turned the speakers to mud.  Under other speakers, they may be wonderful, but clearly Vandersteens in my house with my components should be spiked.
You posted immediately after my post. There was no way for me to know that you were NOT commenting on my post. I sincerely apologize if your post was not directed to me.
I agree that people should listen carefully. And in my system, this product did really "jaw dropping" changes. I was assuming that dedicated lines is an "end all be all" for audio system. This thing simply transformed my system for good. And when I put Herbies Tall Tender Footers under it, the imaging simply locked and focus became pretty tight. When I come across such a product, I am thrilled and would like to share that with fellow members here. I was super skeptical before purchasing this product. You can read my first response in this thread and you will know what I am saying.
Regarding Herbies products - I have multiple sets of tender footers under different components. The last component I used the Herbies under, was the preamp. And that tightened the way the loudspeakers imaged the soundstage. I am glad that things worked for me. But understand that I do have a dedicated listening space, by God’s grace, and it makes a difference.

My next upgrade would be the spikes under the loudspeakers, with the Isoacoustic Gaia IIs. @jperry has similar loudspeakers and replacing the spikes with Nordost footers made a major difference in his system. I have demoed the Gaias at AXPONA and heard what they can do. If they don’t work, I can always return them in the trial period. Unfortunately this will not happen so soon.