Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks for your comments @tomthiel. I am not familiar with the process of developing speakers so the description you gave of the engineering chamber where speakers were put up with tweeters 10’ above the ground made me imagine the Bat cave with Thiel on pedestals, lol!  I learn so much in this thread, thank you everyone.

Anyone other thoughts, especially from those who own (or have owned) 3.7s and/or 2.7s regarding the minimum size of a room for a pair of 3.7s? If you do provide dimensions, please let me know what assumptions you’re apply, such as how far into the room the speakers are placed and how loud they are played. Thank you!
Yup I went from the 3.7s to the 2.7s, not for sonic issues but aesthetic/ergonomic issues.
My room is 13' wide x 15 deep (that is at it's deepest point, which is the end of the bay windows behind the listening sofa, so really most of the room is between maybe 12 - 14 feet deep).   I have a large room opening to one side of the room, which no doubt helps.
The 3.7s worked perfectly in my room,  evenly balanced from top to bottom, and disappeared and imaged better than anything I've heard (except my MBL speakers).  

I actually think I found the 3.7s a bit easier to place for even sound than my 2.7s!
The Thiel designs are very well damped and controlled in the bass which I think makes them easier to place and work in smaller rooms than many other speakers.

As their bass response and dispersion characteristics don't vary that much, I don't think there would be much difference in room adaptability between 2.7's and 3.7's.

I spent several weeks going to my dealer's showroom to audition the 3.7s and 2.7s. I took a widespread selection of my classical CDs with which I was very familiar. 
In the end, I selected the 2.7s, along with a SS2.2 sub to extend the lower bass. I'm still completely satisfied with the choice. Disclaimer: I listen to classical music, and not much else. 

Living room is 16 x 24 x 12, with a large opening along one side of one 24' wall.  Straight 12"ceiling.  Speakers equally spaced from side walls, 9' apart and 2' from the end wall. SS2.2 centered between the speakers.  
I was wondering if the CS2.7 uses the same bass driver as the CS2.4?  At least they visually look the same and about the same size.