Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Wow, those Mundorfs are quite quite pricey! Any thoughts about mixing caps? I could probably afford the smaller Mundorf caps, but what if I went for a cheaper option on the larger caps? I don't have experience with different sounds of different capacitors and would like the best I can get, but not sure I can spring for the large Mundorfs. Any idea what combinations might work best, or what I would be sacrificing by not going all-Mundorf?
"Anyone able to summarize the main pros/cons of Tekton Lore vs. Zu omen def?"

Good question! I'd like to see this as well.
The Zu Omen Def is over three times as expensive as the Tekton Lore. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare the Tekton Lore vs. Zu Omen Standard, and the Tekton Pendragon vs. Zu Omen Def? That way you are comparing speakers at approximately the same price points and the latter both have dual full-range drivers.
You could mix caps for sure but who knows the outcome? You definitely do not want to change the cap values as that would change the crossover point. A better compromise IMO would be the regular Mundorf Supreme at a fraction of the cost and probably 85% of the improvement.

However, I would guess that any decent cap would be an upgrade as the ones that come stock are not that high of quality and chosen for a given price point.

A very important point to keep in mind with this upgrade is that a 10% improvement for $200-600 dollars for the Mundorfs or SIO is much greater than any amp or DAC or Pre-amp change would produce.