Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?

I've never built one, or heard them but this kit looks fun as hell, and includes everything you need:

The power supplies are external and easily swapped. However if you want to try alternative resistors, caps, and internal wire, de-soldering the original pieces from the PCB is a PITA. Consider researching substitutes for the initial build. The schematics identify the necessary values. I used Welwyn RC55Y resistors in the 1/4W positions(excellent at @$2), an Audio Note Kaisei electrolytic in the large coupling cap position(in parallel with the largest film cap that would fit across the top of the Kaisei), a 4.7uf ClarityCap film cap in place of the small electrolytic at input of signal path, and Panasonic FM or FC electrolytics in the power filtering positions. The point-to-point wiring can be whatever you like.
No, I have not heard the amp equipped with stock piece parts.
These mods add a few hundred bucks to the build.
BTW, these amps have relatively low gain. A preamp with gain may be appropriate when matched with less sensitive speakers.
this is the first discussion i see from erik without negativity. 
give him a break guys maybe he is tired of arguing.
ide love to buy a used assembled kit .in the world of guitar amps there are good examples of kits by mojotone that you can buy assembled already .i only want to worry about swapping tubes not soldering i'm spoiled and couldn't be bothered it's easy to screw up if you are not experienced in such things and professionals will do a better job. 

this is the first discussion i see from erik without negativity.

I’m sorry, I think you’ve missed a lot of my threads which were pro something, which then the trolls jumped into.

Please don’t blame me for threads the trolls have had to ruin.

Even in this thread, I say "Hey, I saw a cool kit" and some one had to come in and throw shade. I won’t be responsible for the trolls in the peanut gallery who have to find something wrong with it. Trolls are going to troll, but please don’t blame me for their acts.
I’m sorry, I think you’ve missed a lot of my threads which were pro something, which then the trolls jumped into.

Please don’t blame me for threads the trolls have had to ruin.

Even in this thread, I say "Hey, I saw a cool kit" and some one had to come in and throw shade. I won’t be responsible for the trolls in the peanut gallery who have to find something wrong with it. Trolls are going to troll, but please don’t blame me for their acts.

You bring this on yourself.....and maybe one day you will realize this.