Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.

My Coincident Victory highly efficient speakers are at a 14 Ohm requirement.  I stream music using bluetooth through Tidal, but have agonized over amplification now using a Teac 301 Al D integrated amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth.  A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more.  In addition, I don’t want to spend a ton of money.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks much. 
Your speakers are made to be used with very low power amps like SETs.  I don't know if you would enjoy that sound more than what you've got.

If atmasphere doesn't chime in I would message him.  He is a proponent of high sensitivity/high impedance speakers.
"A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more..."

Not sure if I follow the connection...

Hi enofile,

IMO you have numerous good options to consider. Have you decided on a budget range?  There are excellent amplifiers of various topologies that I believe  would serve you well. I have a bias toward low to moderate power simple circuit amplifiers. These types of amplifiers consistently sound very good.

I'm particularly fond of SET but good quality push pull tube amps (class A or class AB) can sound superb. Also OTL tube amps and pure class A solid state (for example First Watt, there are others as well). You truly do have many fine choices. Budget, room size, listening levels (SPL) are factors that will influence you direction.

A well designed amplifier with high quality power supply and transformers with power in the 10 to 50 watt range should work very well with your higher impedance/efficient speakers.


I used to own Victory II’s. With the rear ports, they were a little tricky to place in my small-ish room. Salvatore wrote that they can be an exercise in frustration if not fed quality components. That said, I found that they are capable speakers with many different types of amps. It will come down to a matter of taste. I tried 5 different amplifier topologies with mine. My personal favorites were my 8 watt SET monoblocks (that I still own), and an 80 watt OTL amp (that I ended up selling because they generated too much heat). I felt the sound with these amps was more fleshed out and more immediate, at least to my ears, than the other amps I had at hand. The other amps were push-pull 300B, A/B solid state, and EL34. They all sounded good too, just a bit thin and less "you are there" compared to the other two amps, IMO..
Thank you for all these knowledgable responses.  I need to inform all that I am a bit stuck in 1976 regarding audio components, and I am not very well versed anymore.  My budget for everything would be about $2000.  The speakers will be placed in a large, open concept living space, approximately 1000 square feet.  I am not a true audiophile anymore, due to multiple moves (7) in the past ten years, making my collection of Parasound, Myryad, and Roksan amps moot.  Now, I use a simple sound bar for the TV, and I just want my own space in this current rented townhouse for my jazz listening pleasure.  Streaming music makes life easier, and we will be moving again. I am cognitively deficient in digital anything. Thus, I want to use my Coincidents, stream from Tidal, with the least hassle imaginable.  Move a few times and you will understand.  All I know is this:
I need a DAC
I shouldn’t be using Bluetooth 
The 14 Ohm speakers create a problem
A Bluesound Node 2i was recommended
I want to spend a total of $2000
These speakers may need a subwoofer and my Vredestein may be too powerful.
I am at a loss and need help.  Audio has gone way beyond the days I took my Marantz amp, tuner, and preamp and hooked them up to my EPI speakers and Gerard turntable.  It was so easy back then.  Thanks for any advice.  I do feel very old.