I'm not even quite sure how to phrase my question, but here it goes...

So my DAC has LED's for 44, 96, 176 and so forth. I tried to get an understanding on how the different bit rates affect quality, but quickly became confused with bit depth, Flac files, Redbook and other terminology which all plays into the equation.
Can anyone point me to a dumb-down, digital for dummies kind of resource?
Thank you.
All we need to remember is this:
"It depends on quality of initial recording."
Amen.  Most recordings/masterings stink.  I'll take a Mercury Living presence in 11 bits over some crummy rock/pop ( and this is from a rock guy) screechy recording any day of the week.
Sad to say but what we all really need is better recordings, better masterings and far, far fewer folks who think they can manipulate or "improve" the sound.  Set up the mikes, leave it alone. Voici.
- the cantankerous old engineer and pianist
I just purchased a topping d50s  dac that has 7 filter settings.  Can someone please explain what they do?
Uberwalz,  I have a Bluesound Node 2i.  Can you explain how I can see on the Bluesound ap what the resolution is.  So far, I am unable to see this information.  This would be helpful, but I don't think it is possible to see the resolution on the ap.

They are different mathematical ways to deal with aliasing. For the most part, they affect the high frequency reproduction. Technically they each have their pros and cons but practically you should listen and decide for yourself which you prefer.