Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?
When driving, any country music that comes on the radio while changing stations . Followed by any music enjoyed by those two dastardly clowns who don't like the Beach Boys. 

Mitchagain, Wow...I had completely forgotten The Pipkins: Gimme Day Ding. (Probably suppressed it).
The disgust for the song was only rivaled by the shame of remembering the words.
Can't believe that they used to play that on the radio all the time!
Sure, some of these are pretty bad, but until you crank up Ravels's Daphnis Et Chloe with Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony, you ain't heard the worst of the worst.

Just don't do it...your system may explode.

@richopp, why would I want my audio system to explode? I realize that all of us who've contributed to this thread are gluttons for punishment for having to be reminded of these god awful songs; but, blowing up my audio system is a bridge too far.