Please Make Audiogon Cool

I think that there are a lot of experienced and interesting people on this site. Some in retail, some in manufacturing, and probably some really cool artists, scientists and engineers of all sorts of backgrounds.

I want to encourage those of you with something to say, a point of view, a helpful idea to post.

Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group. If you care about the Audiogon community and would like to see it go in a particular direction, then please contribute in the way you feel most comfortable and engaging.


You know Erik_squires, there is one thing that would make these forums, and most audio forums better. I am okay with being anonymous, in today’s "cancel culture" I don’t blame people.

However, I think if people have to clearly state whether they earned money from the audio industry, AND, clearly state the type of products they deal with and whether they are a MFR, dealer, installer, etc. then it would allow others on the forums to better judge for themselves whether self-interest was influencing a particular posters writings.

Here, I will go first. I currently earn about 25-35% of my income (sometimes higher, sometimes lower) from the audio industry, through my companies design consulting on advanced product design for electronics, acoustics, and signal processing and some dedicated test and measurement gear, as well as some royalties for past designs and we box-build some items. It all depends on the agreed revenue/business model with the client. I have previously earned 100% of my income in the industry doing similar things, electronics, acoustics, signal processing, and in management and sales/marketing.
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Any actual engineers and scientists in the audio field, are quickly turned off by stuff like this, which has no basis in fact ... So how do you change things ...
There are lots of facts here, but you don’t like them. There is a lot of evidence here, but not the kind you like. There are also multiple actual scientists and engineers who regularly contribute here. But you just joined yesterday, so you can be somewhat forgiven for not recognizing that. If you stick around, you’ll likely find some here who are even smarter than you.
"Yes, "the difference between cables and fuses". that one is EASY.Cables are longer than fuses. I hope that makes it clear what the differences between cables and fuses once, and for all time. (this does not count giant industrial size fuses)"

Thanks Elizabeth I needed a chuckle
I have yet to see any "evidence" or "facts" presented, as least what would qualify as evidence or facts from an engineering / scientific stand point  (you know, something that could stand up in court, or a scientific paper ... I changed it and I thought it was better doesn't count.).

If there are actual degreed electrical/engineering physics/acoustic engineers and degreed physical scientists, please speak up. Love to chat with you ...

p.s. I just rejoined yesterday. I have been here before, but left when too busy getting a company off the ground. Obviously based on the op's post and other posts I have read, his and my feelings are not unique. You may want to try being part of the solution instead of bullying.

cleeds2,479 posts
10-22-2019 5:42pm
Any actual engineers and scientists in the audio field, are quickly turned off by stuff like this, which has no basis in fact ... So how do you change things ... 
There are lots of facts here, but you don’t like them. There is a lot of evidence here, but not the kind you like. There are also multiple actual scientists and engineers who regularly contribute here. But you just joined yesterday, so you can be somewhat forgiven for not recognizing that. If you stick around, you’ll likely find some here who are even smarter than you.