Please Make Audiogon Cool

I think that there are a lot of experienced and interesting people on this site. Some in retail, some in manufacturing, and probably some really cool artists, scientists and engineers of all sorts of backgrounds.

I want to encourage those of you with something to say, a point of view, a helpful idea to post.

Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group. If you care about the Audiogon community and would like to see it go in a particular direction, then please contribute in the way you feel most comfortable and engaging.


"If there are actual degreed electrical/engineering physics/acoustic engineers and degreed physical scientists, please speak up"

Well Robert, as a math type I find that some degreed engineers are among the hardest to take. They seem fond of quoting theorems that don't apply, and then replying to objections by saying things like, "Oh, we get around that by ..." See any digital thread.

   The OP posed a very valid question sure to elicit the numerous responses already seen here. Manufacturers, scientists, audio experts, etc. are sure to respond to any question or comment.
   The reason I survey posts on these forums is to hear what others have to say about topics that interest me. Whether seeking advice or recommendations, it seems the purpose of posts is to hear what others have experienced as pertains to a particular issue. Replies to an OP often cascade into numerous personal opinions that eventually evolve into ones that have no constructive value to what was originally asked. Many times, it's just people boasting about their "super systems".
   Whether a person owns a $50 boom box or a mega $$$ system, everyone has a legitimate right to ask simple question without hearing about where they went wrong or "what may have been"

   Keeping things simple is, in my view, is cool.

Where I find that happens on Internet forums is where their degree is not in the actual field being discussed. Having a chem-eng degree does not make you an electrical engineer for instance (and vice versa of course). Unfortunately success in one particular endeavor in life often gives people the false impression that that success/expertise directly translates into everything else they do. It strangely hits mainly men of a particular IQ range that is above 100. 

1,051 posts
10-22-2019 9:26pm
"If there are actual degreed electrical/engineering physics/acoustic engineers and degreed physical scientists, please speak up"

Well Robert, as a math type I find that some degreed engineers are among the hardest to take. They seem fond of quoting theorems that don't apply, and then replying to objections by saying things like, "Oh, we get around that by ..." See any digital thread.

This thread certainly isn't contributing towards the mission of making Audiogon cool.  Sigh.
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