Recommend speakers for a large living room

Hi, I am moving to a new apartment with a large living room (38" x 23", plus a dining area & kitchen). I am planning to have 2 different sitting areas given the size. Here is a picture of the floor-plan:

Everything is wood floors except on the blue squares where I plan to put carpet. I’ve been thinking of using omni-directional speakers (German Physiks Borderland) given the area is large and there are multiple listening locations. But I’d like to get some recommendations & also some ideas of where it would be best to place the speakers - so far my idea is to put them on the red circles.

My budget for speakers is ~$50,000.

Most of the money in multi-driver large speakers goes into cabinetry.
HUGE savings are had when it is eliminated, like Magnepan, Sound Lab, etc

I too have a large room 38 x 19 x 11 with open stairwells. In decades past I had Accoustat 2 + 2s, and Magnepan 3.5Rs (both open baffle). Due to them needing to be well away from the front wall, their physical size intrudes into the room, both really cut up the physical space, which I never liked

My personal choice is for a speaker that has consistently won TAS Awards: Emerald Physics, specifically the 2.8s. Their newest version has dual 15" carbon fiber woofers and 12" carbon fiber mid range coax and DSP. Normally a bargain at $10K, but Underwood has a huge sale going on right now

Another issue is the amplifier power needed to create a proper SPL in a large room. That can be really expensive, but here again is a real bargain: Tweak Audio EVS 1200 which is 600/1200 wpc using newest class D modules with lots of Pixie Dust, $2200

I have 25' x 25 'x 16' high open ended room. Found a pair of Dunlavy SC-V speakers. VERY large speakers, sealed back, no ports. Sound fantastic in my room. They are hard to find but worth the effort. They fill the room. I can generate 125 db with no sweat. Krell 400 cx amp. Whole system was less than $30k. Never heard anything like it. Dunlavy was a genius. 
You have the room and the space how about the Magnepan 30.7 it should fill that room nicely and probably eliminate the need for subs., plus you'll have $$ left over.
If you haven't heard them they are definitely worth a listen.
IMO: The space needs to solve two things, and must be designed together.

First, Home Theater, Surround Sound, Light Control. It's solution, viewing location and furniture layout will effect:

Second, 2 Channel Stereo Music System. Sometimes the home theater run in stereo mode will be the music system, you have room for both.

You have a huge wall with no windows, that will help with light control for viewing. I would go to a Home Theater Designer with both plans and photos with ceiling and lighting information. My opinion is a 5.1 surround system is enough, anything further ought to be considered only when designing and building a specific theater rather than this which will be in a multi-functional space.

A proper center channel is very important, and full range front with perhaps a pair of subs, depends as it develops.

My setup, in a smaller space, 13 x 24, is a music system from the far end, and my small home theater is across the width of the room at the opposite end. My primary listening chairs (2) simply spin around 180 degrees, so they are side chairs in the home theater, and primary chairs for music. All my chairs are somewhat acoustically transparent, wicker backed rocking chair, wood frame slat backs, open arms, so sound from either active system is not blocked/absorbed.

Do yourself a favor, get very efficient speakers, that will keep the needed size of amplification down, reducing cost, size, heat.

Once you have the layout(s) solved, the furniture placement/movement solved, then the types of speakers, width of dispersion, can be resolved.  

The OP really has yet todescribe what he is trying to achieve.  You'll have two seating areas, but is the goal to have equal quality sound in each sitting area simultaneously?  Are you trying to achieve high volume levels or do you want to be able to have a conversation with someone while the music plays?  Are soundstage and image important?   Most importantly, is your intention to have a "normal" person's apartment, or will this basically be a large dedicated audiophile listening room?  I ask because some of the loudspeakers recommended by others are quite large (refrigerator size) and require placement away from walls.  Add to that cables and powerful amps and your living room won't look like a living room.