Most of the money in multi-driver large speakers goes into cabinetry.
HUGE savings are had when it is eliminated, like Magnepan, Sound Lab, etc
I too have a large room 38 x 19 x 11 with open stairwells. In decades past I had Accoustat 2 + 2s, and Magnepan 3.5Rs (both open baffle). Due to them needing to be well away from the front wall, their physical size intrudes into the room, both really cut up the physical space, which I never liked
My personal choice is for a speaker that has consistently won TAS Awards: Emerald Physics, specifically the 2.8s. Their newest version has dual 15" carbon fiber woofers and 12" carbon fiber mid range coax and DSP. Normally a bargain at $10K, but Underwood has a huge sale going on right now
Another issue is the amplifier power needed to create a proper SPL in a large room. That can be really expensive, but here again is a real bargain: Tweak Audio EVS 1200 which is 600/1200 wpc using newest class D modules with lots of Pixie Dust, $2200
HUGE savings are had when it is eliminated, like Magnepan, Sound Lab, etc
I too have a large room 38 x 19 x 11 with open stairwells. In decades past I had Accoustat 2 + 2s, and Magnepan 3.5Rs (both open baffle). Due to them needing to be well away from the front wall, their physical size intrudes into the room, both really cut up the physical space, which I never liked
My personal choice is for a speaker that has consistently won TAS Awards: Emerald Physics, specifically the 2.8s. Their newest version has dual 15" carbon fiber woofers and 12" carbon fiber mid range coax and DSP. Normally a bargain at $10K, but Underwood has a huge sale going on right now
Another issue is the amplifier power needed to create a proper SPL in a large room. That can be really expensive, but here again is a real bargain: Tweak Audio EVS 1200 which is 600/1200 wpc using newest class D modules with lots of Pixie Dust, $2200