To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

It can sometimes be a little bizarre to see people try to impress others here by using “big words” like function, verifiable and Thermotron chamber. But thanks for providing an excellent example of a logical fallacy.
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Reading your last few posts where you attempt to be the "social justice MOM" for all the AGon community, i am just going to ignore, from here on out, every single post YOU make. If you are so triggered by me, I suggest you do the same"

I will read the posts that I alone decide to read and advice you that it is a violation to threaten anyone in this forum.

It is not for you to limit, restrict, or discourage posters and contributors to this forum from sharing, expressing, or explaining they’re thoughts, observations, or opinions and regardless of you’re opinions or threats.   
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Question for the group: can one know much about his / her audio system without being an engineer?
If it gives you pleasure, that's all you need to know. If however, it cannot provide a reasonable simulacrum of an original, perhaps a little knowledge could help.

Further, if you are an engineer, do you even need to own any audio system to be an audio expert?
I r enginerr. I never stop learning.
Most engineers I know do not consider themselves expert. They have the knowledge and skill to solve real world problems.
Experts give advice that rarely solve problems.