Room correction help

I am getting ready to start room correction.  Room is 14 x 24 x 8 ceiling,  hardwood floors.  Speakers are 9 feet apart, approx 2 1/2 ft from side walls, 28 in from front wall. Seating is 10 ft from front speakers.  This is for 2ch, ht and living room.  For esthetic purposes I was thinking of a throw rug, but I only wanted to go 7 or 8 ft long and maybe 6 ft wide. Few people said to go 10 x 8, but it would not look great esthetically.  Is this an issue.  I will be doing large side panels for first and second reflection point that have pictures,  probably james dean theme. This is my loving room and want to keep it nicely decorated.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Throw we picked out is flokati about 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick.
Thanks Pete
Diffusers and general room treatment are great, but I think you need to address speaker placement first; it's cheap & doesn't affect WAF. At 2.5ft from front & sidewalls may not be optimum. I recommend you try 2.5-2.8' from side walls & ~4.5 from the front wall and adjust thereafter for the best bass. Then place the flokati in front in-between the spkrs & sitting position -- or wherever the wife prefers (if it kills the sound she will hear it & correct).

Perhaps if you cannot here much difference there is a reflection that over powers the places you have tried . A mirror placed on surfaces should show you if you are accurately finding the reflective points in your room . After i switched to very wide dispersion components i got reflection . (077,2441,harstfield lenses.)
when i used stuff a touch more beamy i did not . (Cat eye 076, 2344)  its an ideal time to see if placement benefits your cause the most , then room treat( try the mirror to help guide )  , then position speakers again , you will never be done . This is a forever hobby . 
Listening position is center room and can not be changed do to door way.  The speakers actually sound great where they are and I have very good sound stage, maybe I will put closer together.  I did look at cardas, that's in a perfect room without certain challenges,  door ways. My lows are excellent.  Unfortunately we all have challenges with rooms.