ProAc or Harbeths?

I wonder if anyone has listened to ProAc D38 and Harbeth HL40.1? Which is a better speaker and which one would suits more with Audio Research VT100iii? Thanks.
Everyone's ear are different, so get a dealer to loan you a pair and audition them in your listening room. I am partial to the ProAc's since I have a 'British' ear.
I actually have HL5s now and liked it! I would love to have a bit more dynamics. The Bass is a bit loose as well. I have AudioSpace EL34 and Audio Research VT100. Interesting the cheaper AudioSapce matched better with the HL5! More open sounding and better Midrange. I think the ProAc would match the performance of the VT100 better. Wonder if the HL40.1 being more neutral and have better details will do the same? We don't have Harbeth dealers so I just need to ask around and get a lot of opinions!
Luna, stay with the Harbeth SHL5s. They are very good speakers & as you upgrade your electronics, the speakers will let the differences shine thru.
My vote goes towards ProAc D38... an all around fantastic speaker ... as was the ProAc 3.8
Ha, lol, Buconero, partial to British sound? Harbeth "is" the british sound (BBC and all) compared to Proacs.
And Nolitan, if he wants a bigger sound, let him try the 40's.
All this yammering about....we know what you own, quit pushing it on the poor guy and let him decide on his own.