Paradigm persona vs. Monitor audio Platinum

Just listen to the paradigm persona 7h.the monitor audio Platinum 300 generation two are so much more three-dimensional and open it's not even funny the paradigm sounded very two-dimensional compared to the monitors that MPD Tweeter puts the beryllium Tweeter to shame.
And just so everyone knows audio Troy either works at our owns audio doctor in New Jersey which is a home theatre installer. so obviously being a home theatre installer he doesn't know very much about to channel and how it should sound. Cuz the paradigm persona don't sound good in a 2-channel system. But keep using them for home theatre cuz that's all they're good for.
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Urbie,  all I'm trying to say is while you may prefer the MA over the Paradigm the next guy that comes along may prefer the Paradigm.   One is not better than the other,  just different.   For you to say the Monitor Audio is better is false...better for you maybe but not better for everyone or every system  
And this is a thread,  not a blog FYI 

Anyway,  Have a good day.
"... Simaudio W8 p8, one of the best amps and preamps in the world..."

"...Wyred for sound 10th anniversary DAC (ESS Sabre 9038 ) One of the most analog sounding dacs on the market."

This kind of statements clearly shows the lack of credibility of the person who said it.

Simaudio W8 is a good amp...but very far from being one of the best.
No DAC with Delta Sigma chip will sound analog ever!!