I was like that 7 years ago, desesperate to accomplish my dream of an audio system at least very good if not more than that...
I wander trough many audio forums where posters of fanboy of all kind of trademark new products or vintage one sometimes helped me, many times not really...I was desesperate because the unconscious programs were new hi-fi products only are necessary and sufficient by themselves to accomplish that dream...
But after many deceiving results with new products, and broken promises, and the impossibility to accomplish my dream with only the money I lacked (I dont have this luxury) I begin to think and read about tweaks, vibrations controls, room design, EMI and RFI cleaning, and stones and crystals also and about many exotic product, expansive one with crystals for example promising the audio moonshine...I decide to replicate some results homemade at low costs because it was the only possibility without purchase money to begins with...
It takes me some years of experiments, not too complicate, one at a times, each result constructed with the preceding one, and at the end my dream was there for the last months... A very good audio system (Very good without being pricey) for the first time of my life...
I start this thread only to inspire some people because when I begins I was desesperate to look for sound and inspiring advices other than "buy this miraculous trademark that will solve all problem" or other than only necessary but straight "technical informations about impedance etc"...
Nevermind what you owns, probably good or very good products already, the only road to audio heaven is linked to the cleaning of negative resonance, decreasing the noise level of the audio system grid but also of the house electrical grid, and linked to the acoustic treatment of your room... I dont even speak about special tweaks like Helmholtz bottles or Schumann Generator for example and other minor remarkable tweaks...
Even if your audio system is worth 100,000 bucks, without that 3 ways necessary working roads and some of these other tweaks, you dont know what your audio system optimal potential is... That is my only discovery...
I wander trough many audio forums where posters of fanboy of all kind of trademark new products or vintage one sometimes helped me, many times not really...I was desesperate because the unconscious programs were new hi-fi products only are necessary and sufficient by themselves to accomplish that dream...
But after many deceiving results with new products, and broken promises, and the impossibility to accomplish my dream with only the money I lacked (I dont have this luxury) I begin to think and read about tweaks, vibrations controls, room design, EMI and RFI cleaning, and stones and crystals also and about many exotic product, expansive one with crystals for example promising the audio moonshine...I decide to replicate some results homemade at low costs because it was the only possibility without purchase money to begins with...
It takes me some years of experiments, not too complicate, one at a times, each result constructed with the preceding one, and at the end my dream was there for the last months... A very good audio system (Very good without being pricey) for the first time of my life...
I start this thread only to inspire some people because when I begins I was desesperate to look for sound and inspiring advices other than "buy this miraculous trademark that will solve all problem" or other than only necessary but straight "technical informations about impedance etc"...
Nevermind what you owns, probably good or very good products already, the only road to audio heaven is linked to the cleaning of negative resonance, decreasing the noise level of the audio system grid but also of the house electrical grid, and linked to the acoustic treatment of your room... I dont even speak about special tweaks like Helmholtz bottles or Schumann Generator for example and other minor remarkable tweaks...
Even if your audio system is worth 100,000 bucks, without that 3 ways necessary working roads and some of these other tweaks, you dont know what your audio system optimal potential is... That is my only discovery...