Excellent @pragmasi, exactly the kind of information I was hoping for! And lots of it!! Pure ee considerations and concerns, very much aligned with the kind of thinking that went into the design of the amps. No intent or desire to disparage audiophile language and concerns, but you gotta get the ee stuff right first ;-) .
Yes, having the caps matched to 1% is a very high priority (perhaps THE priority). I’ve seen the term "time constants" many times over the years, but never took the time to educate myself on what it means. Perhaps I should do so now! I’m also familiar with the term "parasitic", and DO understand it. It’s bad, right? ;-) . I’ll look up Doug Self (I’m familiar with the name) and his research.
I’m going to try and reach RM (the designer and maker of the amps), He may have the caps I need in his parts inventory. He encourages the installation of caps on the input jacks of his amps as a way to create a 1st-order filter for partnering the amp/speaker with a sub. I’m sure he views the question of cap "sound" just as do you---a matter of their electrical characteristics in any given application.
Thanks again for all your time and help @pragmasi. It is very much appreciated, and of great value and use to me---Eric.
@ramlabs, Roger, baby, where are ya?! When you have time, could you look for my email from last week? I'll call you Monday morning.